SOLOMON, Terry Scott

Born on December 10, 1955. Passed away May 24, 2023.

Passed away suddenly on May 24, 2023, aged 67 years.
Much loved father of Olivia and Chelsea.  Loved brother of Bill, Janet and Ron.

Funeral Notice
Coomealla Memorial Gardens Cemetery, Bush Chapel Brennan Ave, DaretonView Map

Family and friends of the late Mr. Terry Solomon are respectfully informed his funeral service will be conducted at the Coomealla Cemetery Bush Chapel, Brennan Ave, Dareton, NSW, on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 10.30 am.

A private, cremation will follow the service at the Coomealla Crematorium.

  1. Tiddles,so sad to hear of your passing,days of toranas in the backyard,endless talk of this motor or that,you were younger, but always hung around us big boys.You leave behind some great memories .haydn.

    haydn farnsworth June 5, 2023
  2. Bill,Janet and Ron and families our deepest condolences and shock on the passing of terry(tiddles)when we think back as we do a lot cause mum still lives nextdoor we think of you all! with our deepest condolences Haydn and Bet

    Hayd and Betty Farnsworth June 5, 2023
  3. Very saddened to see this just now. Wonderful memories of times passed. Rest In Peace Terry – forever remembered 💔
    Condolences to Bill and Ron and all the family. In my thoughts.

    Lorraine Collihole-Isaacs June 11, 2023