BARCLAY, John Kenneth Brett

Born on February 18, 1931. Passed away March 22, 2024.

Passed away peacefully at Oasis Aged Care, Irymple, aged 93 years.
Much loved husband of Moria (dec).
Loving father and father-in-law of Andrew (dec) and Kaew, Ken and Gar, Margot and Noel.
Cherished Grandad and great Grandad.
‘Grand-paws’ to two.

Funeral Notice

In keeping with John's wishes, a private cremation will be held.

  1. John Barclay, past President and Life Member of the Mildura BC. Remembered by all as a compassionate advocate for all things bowls. John stepped into the role of President at short notice and provided guidance and direction for the club. Winner of 2 club championship events, the 1988 Club Pairs with Mike McHugh and the 1988 Club Triples with Col Kerr and Mike. In addition John was a fierce Pennant player collecting flags in Division 2 & 3.

    John will be remembered as a thorough gentleman and wonderful competitor on the greens and as progressive ambassador of the club. RIP John Barclay.

    We “PAWS” in reflection of a wonderful human being.

    Chris Mitchell April 4, 2024